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Navigating The New Age Of Banking: Technology Challenges In The Fintech Era

In recent years, 在技术颠覆的推动下,银行业经历了一场重大变革. 传统银行长期以来一直是金融世界的中坚力量, they are now compelled to embrace technology to stay competitive. In 2020, 银行及投资服务业在资讯科技基建方面的开支约为5,560亿元(资料来源: Gartner). 本文探讨了银行在适应不断扩大的市场预期方面所面临的挑战,以及这些挑战在当前形势下的技术含义.

Challenges Faced by Banking & FinTech Solutions:

Competition in the Digital Age: 金融科技创业公司和数字银行的出现颠覆了传统银行业. 2021年,全球金融科技市场价值超过1350亿美元(来源: Expert Market Research). While traditional banks invest in technology, it’s not their core focus, 导致过去软件系统实现不佳和中断的实例. 2016年的银行业务中断鲜明地提醒了人们技术故障的后果.

Navigating Evolving Regulations: Since the 2008 financial crisis, global banking regulations, including Basel III and consumer protection acts, have evolved significantly. Compliance with these standards remains a challenge for banks worldwide. 技术在分析银行数据以确保合规性和生成有洞察力的报告方面发挥着关键作用.

Shifting Business Models: Historically, banks primarily relied on interest charges for income. 然而,全球范围内持续的低利率迫使银行分散收入来源. This includes fee collection for services, commission income from insurance sales, and forex operations, emphasizing operational efficiency for profitability.

Meeting Rising Customer Expectations: Millennials and Gen Z prefer digital interactions with their banks, utilizing mobile devices and social media for support. This contrasts with older customers who rely on traditional branches. 银行越来越多地采用混合模式,将数字体验与实体分支机构相结合,以满足不同客户的偏好.

Customer Retention in the Digital Era: 提供个性化和有意义的服务是留住客户的关键. 根据Clever Tap的数据,73%的新用户在体验不满意的情况下会在7天内流失. A single bad experience can impact customer retention by 65%. 技术解决方案在增强客户关系和体验方面发挥着关键作用.

Data Security: Security breaches can severely damage a bank’s reputation. 引人注目的违规行为,比如2017年信用评级机构的违规行为,导致了巨额罚款. Banks now invest in enhanced authentication, end-to-end encryption, 并为每笔交易提供多种验证方法,以防止数据泄露.

Tech-Led Cultural Shift: 人工智能(AI)和机器学习(ML)系统越来越多地应用于信用风险管理, customer service, and automated responses. 银行被迫投资于此类系统,以在不断变化的环境中保持竞争力.

Mobile User Interface: To thrive in the current market, banks must offer user-friendly, fully featured, secure, and responsive mobile applications. 大多数Z世代和千禧一代都是移动用户,他们很容易切换到功能更好的应用程序, making mobile banking interface crucial.

Continuous Innovation: Innovation is key to survival and success. Banks continuously innovate through customer interactions, organizational analysis, and technology adoption. Leveraging big data, data mining, and cloud-based infrastructure has made banks more agile and scalable.

How These Business Challenges Translate to Technology Challenges:

Agility: Banks require agility to address challenges swiftly, including rolling out technology platforms and complying with regulations. A larger workforce can help, but it also incurs significant IT costs.

Accuracy: With multiple platforms to support (web, iOS, Android), banks face challenges in rolling out applications for each change. Complex functionalities can break when frequent codebase changes occur.

Availability: 在不影响性能的情况下确保安全和可访问的客户功能仍然是一个重大的技术挑战, especially for complex banking operations.

随着银行技术的发展,对健壮测试流程的需求变得越来越重要. Complex banking functionalities, diverse product offerings, 对无缝性能的需求都是测试银行解决方案所面临的挑战. 在这种情况下,滴答思想为解决这些测试挑战提供了一个引人注目的解决方案.

Challenges in Testing Banking Technology:

Complex Functionalities: 验证复杂的银行功能是一项艰巨而单调的任务, 在测试阶段遗漏关键问题的可能性更高, particularly when functionalities are frequently updated.

Dependency on User Interface: Relying solely on the user interface for testing can result in delays. 通过API编排对底层业务逻辑的自动验证有效地反映了应用程序的功能.

Quality of Test Data: In the banking industry, 由于产品和服务的多样性,测试数据的质量是至关重要的. 确保准确和全面的测试数据是有效测试的关键.

Security Testing: 随着银行解决方案在多个平台上运行,安全性是至关重要的. 漏洞分析和渗透测试对于确保银行产品的安全至关重要, even for internal use within the bank.

Performance Assurance: 高性能银行应用程序对于维护银行声誉至关重要. Non-performing applications can tarnish a bank’s image in a matter of days.

Why Choose Ticking Minds for Banking Products Validation?

Extensive FinTech Experience: 滴答心灵在与利用最先进架构的现代金融科技公司合作方面有着良好的记录. 两位创始人带来了在零售、商业和投资银行领域的丰富经验.

Focus on Test Data: 在开始功能测试之前,tick Minds非常强调测试数据的质量. This meticulous approach ensures comprehensive testing coverage.

API Orchestration Expertise: tick Minds拥有一个不依赖于用户界面的本地API编排器. 它有效地调用api在预定义的序列与良好定义的测试数据, ensuring thorough validation of business logic.      

 Test Automation Mastery: Ticking Minds excels in mobile and web-based test automation, using open-source solutions like Selenium and Appium. 自动化工作的目标是提供显著的投资回报.

Performance Testing Prowess: 拥有100多个性能测试项目的丰富组合,涵盖各个行业, including banking, tick Minds拥有跨不同技术栈优化应用程序性能的专业知识.

Application Security Validation: Ticking Minds specializes in application security validation, particularly in detecting OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities. 许多跨国公司都依赖于tick Minds的服务来确保应用程序在生产前的安全性.

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